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University of Pittsburgh

MCAT Course

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Learn how to study smarter, not harder.

This is a highly discounted program created specifically for Pitt students who want to make significant improvements to their MCAT score. This course guarantees a score of 510+, 10+ points of improvement, or if you already scored 510 on the MCAT – 515+! Other programs with similar guarantees cost $3000-6000.


You'll be taught by an elite tutor who other students pay $150+/hr to meet with. In fact, students who follow the advice and complete the steps outlined in the score guarantee have averaged 516-517 - scores that will get you into any medical school in the country! All of this is available at just a fraction of the typical price, as a way for a Pitt Med student to give back to the local community. This course is NOT officially affiliated with the University of Pittsburgh or the School of Medicine, however it is run by and for Pitt students.


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34 hours: Live instruction exclusively for Pitt students, led by a highly-experienced,

near-perfect scoring MCAT tutor


1 hour: one on one MCAT tutoring

1 year access: Testing Solutions’ comprehensive MCAT content and practice course

1 year access: Testing Solutions’ standard MCAT CARS passages

1 year access: Testing Solutions’ "Think Like the MCAT" Series CARS passages

1 year access: Live online Testing Solutions AAMC review sessions (8 hours per week, 40 weeks per year)

Custom study schedule which lays out exactly what to do day by day to maximize your chances of achieving a highly competitive MCAT score

Access to a group chat for MCAT and application-related discussion


Additional helpful MCAT resources

Pitt MCAT Course


(3 month installment option available)

Normal retail price for access to all included materials = $3000+

Option to pay over 3 monthly installments.

See below for scholarship information.

Late enrollment open phase now - just a few spots remaining!


Other important course dates:

9/7 | Course materials distributed

9/13 | First meeting 1-3om

Currently, sessions will only be offered remotely due to COVID-19.

If safe to do so, we will transition to a "simulcast" format that is both in-person and online.

Of participating students from last year's Pitt BMP, 100% agreed that these sessions:

"I really liked your approach to the classes and how we analyzed the passages. I also thought that the structure of the course was helpful for me since we were able to tailor it more to focus on sections that needed more work. "

"Will is amazing. His methods for dissecting passages and questions have been game changing. As a tutor, he can break down and communicate complex concepts in both low- and high-level fashion. He adapts to your needs as a learner, and elevates you closer to his level. Most importantly, Will’s true gift is his ability to change and advance one’s critical reasoning approaches, in essence reshaping the way you think. Giving students the tools and guidance to think for themselves at a high level is the mark of a great educator, and Will is among the best I’ve ever known in this way."



Were a great use of their time


Helped improve their ability to score well on the MCAT


Were a good value financially


Would recommend future BMP students join


510/10+ points improvement
515+ if you've already scored a 510

Click here for more details


Scholarship applications are currently closed - we are proud to announce that we awarded over $3500 in scholarships to URM and/or low-income students!





For questions regarding the course, materials, or payments:


Will Okoniewski
University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine - MS4

Founder, Sabre Test Prep

Head Tutor, Testing Solutions

For questions regarding the provided access to Testing Solutions content:

Nick Zehner
Stanford University School of Medicine - MS4

Founder, Testing Solutions

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Sabre Test Prep
2009 Mackenzie Way
Suite 100
Cranberry Twp, PA 16066
© Copyright 2020
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